
A while a go I had my little blog here and was never sure what to post, to do, to leave. I even wrote about the perfectionist-paralysis and now, once again, I want to refresh my approach on giving you updates on whats going and happening around my aquascaping journey.

What kind of content can you expect?

I will very likely post about struggles, about content creation, I will show you some nice photographs and things that go on while taking care about 6-7 aquascapes.

I will start with 3 updates per week – Monday – Wednesday – Friday. So please join the journey, there are a few things to come up here soon.

What would you like to know/see/hear?

Let me know what you would like. Is it some cool shots of the fish and shrimp living in my tanks? The tanks itself? Please leave me a comment and tell me what you would be interested in.


Tasks for Tomorrow:

  1. improve single post appearance
  2. hopefully make my external hard drive work again
  3. shoot some new pictures for instagram
  4. write the friday-post

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